Words provided by Michael Casatico
Visuals provided by Omeez Jones, Michael Casatico, Sasan Sayyar & Keoni Mars
Right before winter break concluded, I finally had the chance to link up and shoot some photos with the man, Omeez, of ISO (I Stand Out). ISO, in the most literal sense, is a collective of many talented creatives, artists, photographers, producers and nothing less than a “go getter”. Music, photos, visuals, movies, art, whatever, ISO can do it, as a group, and as a family. It’s always really cool to see so many different, multitalented individuals all working together as a team. When you're constantly surrounded by inspiration, I think it’s hard to not be inspired yourself. That was exactly why I was looking forward to finally linking up with Omeez, and the director of ISO, Keoni Mars.
Omeez, King of the trees haha
New ISO snapback, available on their website iso1up.com
We decided to hit the road early to the redwood forest right outside of Oakland for the sunrise. Now, obviously you can’t actually watch the full sunrise from inside the forest, but once the sun does rise, the blanket of trees acts as the perfect filter for all the light that radiates through there. It’s that first hour after the sun does rise that's prime time. The contrast of the soft light, and dark shadows sets up some really dope shots. Luckily, we got there to mob around the forest chasing the light. The location was almost just as refreshing as the company and conversation. It’s one thing to follow and keep up with someone on Instagram or whatever, but I think it’s a lot more real when you can finally link up and share a conversation in person. Omeez has always inspired me with his visual images, creative mindset, and positive attitude. That’s what we're all about with Tribe, and Omeez really embodies the motto of being inspired by everything. I think it's safe to say that ISO is a roster full of individuals that are inspired by everything as well. If you can surround yourself with people that inspire and encourage you to do what you love, how can you beat that?
“People inspire me, when I see other people doing what they love for a living that’s the ultimate inspiration for me.”
Photo by Omeez Jones
Here are some of the shots we all came up with from the day as well as a video directed, edited, and shot by Keoni and Omeez. The video highlights all of their projects from this past year, and gives you a great look at everything they're truly capable of as a team. If you’ve read this far, take another two minutes and allow yourself to truly be inspired.
Check out more of their work, and products on their website iso1up.com
Photo by Sasan Sayyar
Keoni Mars | Photo by Omeez Jones
"Dirty Mike" | Photo by Sasan Sayyar
Photo by Omeez Jones