This last Friday, November 14th, was one that will keep me inspired for a long time. I had the pleasure of cruising up to Los Angeles with my good friend Edric Quintong (DJ Reekz) to take some photos at the Soulection show that night at the Echoplex. Soulection, what is Soulection? Is it a band? A label? An event? What is it? All these questions can formally be answered on their website at, but I wanted to share a very brief description and opinion of my own experience regarding Soulection.
Soulection, to me, in the most literal sense is a roster label of extremely creative, and talented music producers and DJs that all come together on one platform as Soulection. Every Saturday morning at 11am, Joe Kay hosts their weekly radio show on RINSE.FM. The radio show consists of three hours of “feel good soulful" music, complimented with organic creative conversation from Joe Kay and the featured artist of the week. The coolest part about the radio show, is that every week Joe brings in a new artist to sit down and explore music with. So every week you're provided with new music, and new reasons why to be inspired just by listening to the show. Did I forget to mention that every radio show becomes downloadable for free on their Soundcloud the following week in case you missed it? That’s just a preview of what Soulection is and what they do, so now I can talk about the Friday night show a little more with y’all .
Friday night was Soulection's monthly show at the Echoplex, where you get to see live sets performed from various different Soulection roster producers and DJ’s. This show featured Andres, Andre Power, Sasha Marie, Eden Hagos, Kronika, SoSuperSam, Joe Kay, and a special guest (Hannah Faith). The energy at the show was amazing, and everyone who performed had the place jumping. I’ve been to the last three shows, and it just seems like every time the vibes get stronger and stronger. It’s a pretty crazy thing to see when you look out into the crowd and everyone is dancing and singing along. Now if you haven’t noticed I haven’t described what genre of music Soulection is classified as, and to be honest they don’t fall into one category. You may hear it be described as “The Sound of Tomorrow”, or a blend of soulful music and beats. Either way, it's something you have to hear for yourself because it's truly unique.
Soulection has inspired me countless times and I listen to this music on a daily basis. Whether I’m at school, studying for a test, driving to work, at the gym, editing photos, or designing future products for Tribe, chances are I’ll be listening to a Soulection roster member or radio show. Music is such a heavy influence on my life, so finding a music based, creative culture like Soulection was beyond beneficial for me. I highly suggest you explore the Soulection roster on their website to learn more about the variety of music they produce as individual artists and as a platform.
Here's one of the songs I had playing when I sat down to edit these photos from the event. LA Watts by J-Louis of Soulection. Are you inspired yet?
Big thank you to Joe Kay for having me.