My name is Neil Mortensen. I’m twenty years old and I live in Concord, California. I shoot everything from street photography to nature. I frequent San Francisco to go shoot and explore the most because of how much it has to offer to a photographer like myself. On May 20th next month my parents are moving to Houston, Texas for my dad’s job. My four brothers, parents, and I are extremely sad to see our beloved home of twenty-three years, where we spent unforgettable times of our childhood, sold. I’m so grateful for my parents, for how much they’ve supported what I love and for providing me a place of refuge for the twenty years I’ve been alive, in the beautiful Bay Area of California. Shortly after the move, I’ll be serving a mission for my church for two years at a location that’s currently unknown. For all I know I could end up on the other side of the world. I couldn’t tell you that I’m not scared but I’m also very excited for this opportunity to travel, see new things, immerse myself into a different culture, and ultimately meet new people, learn their stories, and teach them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This blog post is very special to me because my good friend Sasan has played a huge role in inspiring me to shoot more photos and has had an impact on the photos I produce. This post; these photos are truly a testament of how far inspiration can go. Photography has changed my life. It’s given me a reason to get out and go do something, explore new things, and create. Photography has helped opened my eyes to the world and show it in a whole new light that most of our society is blind to. I remember talking to Sas about Tribe a little over a year ago before the website started and just being so stoked on the idea, knowing it would have endless possibilities and a very bright future. Not only do I feel it will be a thriving brand but like Sas inspired me, I believe this company will inspire many around the world to create and to do good. As people like me are inspired, we will inspire others. That is why I so heavily back this brand. For this post I’ve selected my favorite photos taken over the last two years. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have a post on Tribe’s website. I hope you enjoy the photos and can get inspired by them. Until next time.
Mt. Tamalpais, CA
Marin, CA
Muir Woods, CA
Point Richmond, CA
San Francisco, CA
Point Richmond, CA
Treasure Island, CA
San Francisco, CA
Emeryville, CA
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
San Francisco, CA
Lafayette, CA
Treasure Island, CA
San Francisco, CA
Concord, CA
San Francisco, CA
Mt. Tamalpais, CA
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Bay Bridge/SF Skyline shot from Berkeley, CA
San Francisco, CA
Ocean Beach, CA